About Me: Phillip Lionel Barnes Jr


Hello, and welcome to my webpage!

Vision Statement:

First, before we get into that, I want to give you guys what I’ve learned about vision so far from various teachers and pastors.

What is vision:

  • Noun - the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom.  

“The organization had lost its vision and direction.”

Vision is what God has planned for us, but we can’t see yet.

  1. Vision sends you somewhere.

  2. Vision creates something out of nothing.

  3. Vision inspires.

  4. Vision is life satisfying.

I have a distinct vision for this website.  It will not be a social media website in the framework of Facebook/Twitter/Instagram type of website where you come to see the day’s random news and nonsense that society says that we as a people should consume.  If I wanted to do that, I would have never removed myself from social media, such as Facebook and Twitter.  The world is much more than celebrity gossip and turmoil. I want to help facilitate the change in social consciousness by giving people a website dedicated to informing and discussing topics that matter in today’s world.  There will always be intellectual topics, but there will be more often than not.  With that being said, here is my Vision Statement for this website, and I hope you enjoy, learn, question, and engage in the topics of this website, on and off of my actual website.  Thank you for taking the time to come here.

Vision Statement:

I created this website to educate and facilitate intellectual conversation and potential debates in those who choose to engage across this website to learn about relevant, potentially controversial topics that could actively affect our societal views if we remain ignorant to their existence.


As you can see from the title, my name is Phillip Lionel Barnes Junior. I am a young, ambitious man working every day to connect to God first and impart the knowledge I have gained over the years to as many people as possible.  A man of God, student, son, uncle, brother, and future husband, I am toiling to improve my life, family, and people through words, prayer, and actions.  Originally from Erie, Pennsylvania, I now reside in Southern California after a lengthy stint serving in the United States Air Force.  I feel as though I am a man wiser than my age lends, and I created this site to allow the creative space necessary to allow my wisdom to pour out because God does not impart gifts to be hoarded by the recipient.  I am not all-knowing, nor am I too intelligent to make mistakes, but I do not want to be known as some who didn’t have a vision and attempt to reach for it.  My website isn’t only for me; it’s for all who visit this page and want to discuss anything they see because the conversation is just as meaningful as reading.  I hope you enjoy my website, and for those who know me and even those who do not, if you have any questions, constructive criticisms, or positive suggestions, please reach out to me to let me know through the links below.  Thanks again!