Navigating this website is all about what you want to indulge in. This page will help those who are visiting the website for the first time, or those who may not know their way around the website, with navigating to find what they need.

About Me:

This page gives some insight into who I am, what I am about, and what my vision is for my website. It is where I explain myself, and for the people who do not know me, or haven’t interacted with me in a while, it gives them a chance to connect/reconnect with me.


This is where I will post all of the news concerning the website, from new blog topics to updated playlists. This is where you should go to check and see what’s going on with the site.

King Speech:

This is the main blog, where I am going to present new ideas, discussions, and information to be peruses by the consumers, in a word, you. I have a plethora of topics, and some will range from flat out conversations to me teaching and imparting information that I have gathered over my time either in school, or in life. I post topics every Monday at 7 am PST, and Wednesday at 7 am PST, so be on the lookout for new topics during those times. I encourage everyone who reads the topics, and has an opinion to comment and subscribe, so that their opinion can be heard, and they can get notifications when someone replies to their comment. Interaction is the goal, and I will do everything I can to facilitate intelligent, intellectually prosperous conversation, but I can not hold a conversation by myself. I accept topic suggestions, and welcome all critiques, but please be positive, as I will not tolerate any form of disrespect or berating anyone, including myself.

Music Profiles:

These are exactly what they sound like. I have more than two music profiles, but the two that I actually have on my website are the two that I curate (in other words, create) playlists on. I have specific series and interesting ideas that have propelled me to make playlists and share them. The schedule for playlists is more sporadic, due to the nature of gathering songs to put into a playlist, because I listen to every song and arrange playlists into a deliberate order. Some are meant to be shuffled, while others are meant to be listened to front to back. I normally state that in the description, but I will make a list stating what playlist should be played in what way. I accept suggestions, and will attempt to accommodate any requests, but please give me time to comply with any wishes. As I release playlists, I will post on my website what they are, and some information about my thought processes behind them.

Realm of Athletics:

This page is exactly what it sounds like. It is similar to the King’s Speech, except that it will be solely sports topics. I am passionate about sports, and know a lot about them, so why not start a blog about sports, right?


I have been told, time and time again, that I do not take enough pictures. So, in an attempt to do so, I started a gallery of some of my best pictures, and the latest ones we have taken. I will post pictures that we take in the gallery regularly, and even some that nobody has ever laid eyes in that are in my possession.

Coming soon:

There are other ideas that I have coming soon, so stay tuned.